Are you a physician trading time with loved ones for financial security?
Or trading money for time to do the things you love?
If you answered yes to either, you may just be about to witness the unfolding of an enlightened lifestyle for you.
When we feel tied down by financial worries or feel restricted to workloads to create happiness in other areas of our life, it creates stress by itself. Pretty soon, it can lead to burn-out. And, at that point, what ‘lights us up’ is not given a chance in our life by ‘what drags us down’.
The answer to this hamster wheel is an ‘enlightened lifestyle’……where
1. You are the CEO of your own life….yes you answer to no one but yourself, doing what you need the most and what means the most to you
2. You have money freedom: you are an expert at managing your life, and you can easily manifest more cash flow
3. You have time wealth: where you have all the time in the world to spend with your family and your near and dear ones. To do what matters most to you. To follow your divine life purpose.
If you are ready to manifest an enlightened lifestyle, please identify one area of your current lifestyle where you would like to see the most difference.
I am so happy for what is waiting to unfold for you!!!
If you would like to explore more, please check out my free Ebook, “Life & Soul Healing for the burned-out MD” at the link below:…/
We would love to have you in our free heart centered supportive Facebook community, “Enlightened MD”
Again, what is one area of your current lifestyle where you would like to see the most difference? Please share in the comments below.
Namaste till we meet again!